09/24/16 “happy sabbath greeting cards” – We have no greeting cards in this site but we do avail of Sabbath greetings available on the web; feel free to use any of our images, just make sure that just as we do, you acknowledge the source.
09/21/16 “uncircumcised lips” – [Reprinting what we wrote on 09/17/16 ]
This is another search phrase that appears quite frequently since we used it in the title of an Exodus chapter: “Do you have uncircumcised lips?” The word “uncircumcised” is used in an actual quotation uttered by the most notable of YHWH’s handpicked leaders/mouthpieces —Moses (others are the 3 major and 9 minor prophets),
Whaaaattt??? Moses used that term referring to himself??? Actually, so did the prophet Isaiah, and probably those with enough humility who consider themselves unfit to represent in both speech and person, the awesome God of Israel, their LORD and MASTER. Represent to whom? To clueless people like the Pharaoh of Egypt who is elevated to divinity (at least on his turf), as are emperors who all–not a surprise–die and join the heirarchical pantheon of pagan gods and are immortalized at least in forced idolatrous worship. Really? Divinity dies? Yes, humans elevated to divinity status do, after all they are mere creatures with a beginning and end in earth time; henceforth they ‘live’ only in the minds/hearts of their worshippers (throw in canonized saints, Mary mother of Jesus who is now elevated to co-mediatrix and co-redemptrix).
But back to the topic: whatever the original Hebrew phrase was, one English translator used “uncircumcised” instead of the more common “unclean lips” symbolizing unholy or profane speech or ordinary language not fit to represent the God of Israel.
More about this in the introduction to the post:
09/19/16 – Christianity’s historical roots – Unexpectedly, our journey away from our former faith, Christianity, began with the simple curiosity regarding its roots. Our first sources were mere entries in Encyclopedia (American & British); today one would mostly likely resort to google and end up with Wikipedia, maybe even Sinai 6000?
Neutral sources are good places to start, the writers are objective recorders of facts, no religious agenda whether to defend or attack. You discover how this major world religion evolved from its much-speculated past about starting as a spin-off from Judaism and eventually developing into a major world religion through its political alliance with the Roman empire through the converted emperor Constantine. (What??!! Jesus and his followers were not Christians??)
These selections from our SITEMAP category titled CHRISTIANITY will get you started on your truth-search about your religion. Then take it from there, there is no dearth in publications on the same topic in this day and age.
- Revisit: The WAY of SALVATION in TNK – 2: “The Fundamental Flaw of Christianity”Revisit: Jesus and Horus
- Must Read: A New History of Early Christianity by Charles Freeman
- MUST READ: Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity
- According to Paul . . . 1
- Paul 2 – From Saul to Paul, from historic Jesus to cosmic Christ
- MUST READ: Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity
- Paul 6: Founder of Gentile Christianity
- MUST READ: The Christ Myth Theory and Its Problems
- Q&A: Christianity – a man-made religion?
- Dogmatic Theology – Christianity/Judaism
- Must Read: Robert Schoen – 5 – Jews, Jesus, and Christianity/Judaism
- Must Read: Robert Schoen – 4 – Going to Church: The Jewish Roots of Christian Worship
– 09/17/16 “uncircumcised lips” – This is another search phrase that appears quite frequently since we used it in the title of an Exodus chapter: “Do you have uncircumcised lips?” The word “uncircumcised” is used in an actual quotation uttered by the most notable of YHWH’s handpicked leaders/mouthpieces —Moses (others are the 3 major and 9 minor prophets),
Whaaaattt??? Moses used that term referring to himself??? Actually, so did the prophet Isaiah, and probably those with enough humility who consider themselves unfit to represent in both speech and person, the awesome God of Israel, their LORD and MASTER. Represent to whom? To clueless people like the Pharaoh of Egypt who is elevated to divinity (at least on his turf), as are emperors who all–not a surprise–die and join the heirarchical pantheon of pagan gods and are immortalized at least in forced idolatrous worship. Really? Divinity dies? Yes, humans elevated to divinity status do, after all they are mere creatures with a beginning and end in earth time; henceforth they ‘live’ only in the minds/hearts of their worshippers (throw in canonized saints, Mary mother of Jesus who is now elevated to co-mediatrix and co-redemptrix).
But back to the topic: whatever the original Hebrew phrase was, one English translator used “uncircumcised” instead of the more common “unclean lips” symbolizing unholy or profane speech or ordinary language not fit to represent the God of Israel.
More about this in the introduction to the post:
“collection-jewish-new-year-tree-of-life2” –
This has been clicked quite frequently, so here’s the image.
The Jewish (biblical) calendar is approaching year-end and starting the New Year; for the curious, here’s a link for biblical new year 5777. This is the actual year of the TRUE LORD YHWH in HIS TIMELINE (configured from biblical count-up for the seven millennia leading to “end of days” in Jewish thinking. Remember, part of antisemitism was the reconfiguration of earthly time counting down to B.C. (“Before Christ”, now B.C.E., “before the common era”) and starting the count-up A.D. (“After Death”, now C.E. “common era”). All these adjustments to suit the Gregorian calendar of the Catholic Pope Gregory and “in the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ). Well, there is only one LORD for Israel and we join them in acknowledging WHO it is, His Name is YHWH. Check out this link:
09/17/16 “shabat” – We have a whole category on the Sinaite’s Sabbath Liturgy for every Sabbath in any year. For any particular year, we repost according to the number of Sabbaths per month, and alternate a musical liturgy every other weekend. If the searcher is asking for Sabbath posts, here’s a list:
- Revisit: The WAY of YHVH – 4 – Observing the Seventh Day Sabbath
- Genesis/Bere’shith 2 – The Sabbath and Humankind
- Exodus/Shemoth 16 – “for today is a Sabbath for YHVH”
- Exodus/Shemoth 20b – The DECALOGUE – Commandment IV, The Sabbath (Jewish Perspective)
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 23: What makes a day ‘holy’?
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 25: “but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of Sabbath-ceasing for the land, a Sabbath to YHVH: “
- Revisit: An Inconvenient Truth: THE SABBATH of YHWH
- MUST READ – Sabbath: Day of Eternity
- TSTL: The Seventh Day
- The United Nations Environmental Sabbath Service
09/14/16 “the five books of moses everett fox pdf” – Revisit: MUST OWN: The Five Books of Moses by Everett Fox
09/07/16 “sinai and zion summary” –
- SINAI and ZION 4 – SINAI and the Covenant Formulary
- SINAI AND ZION 2 – The Sinaitic Experience and Traditions About It
- Revisit: SINAI and ZION 4 – SINAI and the Covenant Formulary
09/06/16 “the origin of prophecy in israel remains veiled in obscurity” – Revisit: Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?
09/06/16 the jewish mystique van den haag –
- Must Read: The Misunderstood Jew
- “Is there a Jewish character? ” – The Jewish Mystique/Ernest Van Den Haag
- “What makes the Jews so Jewish?”
09/04/16collection-jewish-new-year-tree-of-life2 –
- Revisit: The Tree of Life is the Torah -2
- Revisit: The Serpent, the Tree, and the ‘I’
- The Tree of – ‘the Knowledge of’/’the Knowing of’ – Good and ‘Evil’/Good and ‘Bad’
- The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life – Proverbs 11:30
09/04/16 – musicofthebible.com/extra_trumpets.htm –
- Numbers/Bamidbar -10- Two silver trumpets, not the Shofar . . .
- http://www.musicofthebible.com/extra_trumpets.htm
– 09/03/16 – “SITEMAP” – This is a good opportunity to remind web visitors who are not familiar with our site that we have over 800 posts falling under any of 17 topical CATEGORIES:
- Daily Post
- Sabbath Liturgy
- Christianity
- Discourse
- Images
- Israel
- Journeys
- Ketuvim
- Must Read
- Neviim
- Opinion
- Q&A
- Sinai 6000
- TSTL – Thus Saith the Lord
- Worship Aids
If the SITEMAP fails to completely download (which it sometimes does), UPDATED SITE CONTENTS acts as a backup ‘table-of-contents-of-sorts’. And of course, for specific search term entries, this post addresses that.
Hope this helps you navigate your way through our website. We look forward to visitors’ feedback, positive or negative—leave us a comment at the end of each post or better yet, send an email to: nsbsinai6000@gmail.com.
Shabbat shalom dear Truth-Seekers, let us joyfully celebrate YHWH’s ‘appointed times’ intended for all, Jew or Gentile, and that is our day of rest— His weekly Sabbath.
While we’re waiting for search term entries from our website-visitors, here are some thoughts for this new month.
For some reason, the month of September is an inspiration to songwriters who have composed memorable tunes like “September Song”, “Try to Remember”, “September Morn”. It is the month that ushers in the fall season or autumn, hence “Autumn Leaves”, “Autumn in New York”, etc. (Sorry, my music memory is dated and ends where rap trend begins). But enough of secular memories.
In terms of biblical memory, what does the TIMELESS ONE require of His enduring chosen people to remember to commemorate for all time?
Read Leviticus 23 titled “My Feasts” (not ‘your Feasts’) which Israel was commanded to celebrate. Hebrew translations use “appointed times” or, if we might modernize, our ‘appointment/date’ with the LawGiver Who prescribed a complete lifestyle in the Torah.
Were the feasts or ‘appointed times’ only for Israel . . . or for all humanity?
We Sinaites have decided that for gentiles like us, we celebrate only those that are universal and not specific to Israel since it is part of their history as a nation. The gentiles’ appointed times with the God of Israel, the God of the Nations, Creator/Revelator on Sinai, LawGiver:
- the weekly Sabbath,
- the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
- and the anniversary of the giving of the Torah, initially to Israel so they can model the Torah lifestyle for all nations/peoples to observe and be attracted to enough to apply to themselves.
For specific articles on this, check out the following:
- “And He Called”: Celebrating the Fall Festivals in the biblical calendar – 5773 (September 2012)
- Sukkot – The Season of ‘Our’ Rejoicing
- A Sinaite’s Reason for Celebrating the Passover
- Shavuot – Anniversary of Giving of the TORAH on Sinai
- REVISIT: How now do we observe “My” feasts?
- REVISIT: How now do we observe Yom Kippur – 3
- Revisit: How now do we celebrate Sukkot . . . or do we?
- REVISIT: How now do we observe biblical feasts? -1
- REVISIT: How now do we observe Biblical Feasts? – 2
- Revisited: What does the God of Israel require of Gentiles?