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- Introduction to The Five Books of Moses by Robert Alter – 2
- MUST OWN: Robert Alter – The Five Books of Moses
- Revisit: IN HIS NAME: YHWH – the True Name of The One True God? – 4
- Revisit: From 613 to 10 to 2
- Revisit: TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective
- Revisited: The Way of YHVH – 2 – “So what precisely is the TORAH?”
- Sinaite Notes – 613 Commandments, really?
- The WAY of YHVH – 5a TORAH Faith for Non-Jews
- Sinaite Notes – Prophecy – 6
- Sinaite Notes on The TORAH – 1
- Is God the author of “evil”?
- Shavuot – What it means to Jews and Gentiles
- On the Binding of Isaac (Akedah)
- Timeline: Chronological Table
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 27: First duty in the Land: build an altar to YHWH
- Deuteronomy/Davarim – Additional Notes
- The Ten “Declarations”: 6-10/Duties Towards Fellowmen
- The Ten “Declarations”: 1-5/ Man’s Duties toward GOD
- Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 1
- YHWH, God of Wrath, God of Mercy
- Biblical Poetry, anyone?
- Making a “home” for YHWH on earth
- What is God’s answer?
- A Child’s Simple Logic – right on the dot!
- The Soul of Evil
- Deut. 20:10/Israel wiping out Canaanites
- 1 Samuel 16:14-23 – “an evil spirit from God”?
- The WAY of YHVH – 4 – Observing the Seventh Day Sabbath
- The WAY of YHVH
- Sinaite’s Notes – What the Torah is NOT – 7
- Sinaite Notes – “Textbook of the Soul” – 5
- Saul and the Spirit Medium – 1 Samuel 28:3-25
- The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life – Proverbs 11:30
- Sinaite Notes – What is the Oral Torah – 2
- TORAH and Shavuot – 2
- TORAH and Pentecost – 1
- IN HIS NAME: YHWH True Name of our Creator – 4
- The Adversary & Balaam
- The “lamb” in TNK vs. the “Lamb of God” in NT
- Deuteronomy/Dabarim
- Revisit: Deuteronomy/Davarim 24: Immorality defiles the land.
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 28: “And it will come to pass . . . IF . . .”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 22: “There is not to be a man’s item on a woman, a man is not to clothe himself in the garment of a woman, for an abomination to YHVH your God is anyone doing these!”
- Understanding the SHEMA
- Deuteronomy/Davarim: Forgotten in the Kingdom Period
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 34: “But there arose no further prophet in Israel like Moshe, whom YHVH knew face to face”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 33: “who is like you, a people delivered by YHVH”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 32: “at-a-distance you shall see the land, but there you shall not enter”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 31: “Here, you are about to lie beside your fathers”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 30: “Rather, near to you is the word, exceedingly, in your mouth and in your heart, to observe it!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 29: “But YHVH has not given you a mind to know or eyes to see or ears to hear, until this day.”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 27: First duty in the Land: build an altar to YHWH
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 26: Recognition of God is the Source of All Blessings
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 25: “you are to blot out the name of Amalek from under the heavens; you are not to forget!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 23: ‘Kindness must not be abused.’
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 21: “you are not to leave his carcass overnight on the stake, rather, you are bury him on that (very) day, for an insult to God is a hanging-person “
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 20: “When you draw-near to a town, to wage-war against it, you are to call out to it terms-of-peace.”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 19: “the (accidental) murderer who flees there, that he may stay-alive”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 18: “How can we know it is the word that YHVH did not speak?”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 17: “When you enter the land that YHVH your God is giving you, and you possess it and settle in it, should you say: I will set over me a king like all the nations that are around me . . .”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 16: “You are to slaughter the Passover-offering to YHVH your God . . .in the place that YHVH chooses to have his name dwell.”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 15: “However, there will not be among you any needy-person,”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 14: “3 You are not to eat any abominable-thing!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 13: “so shall you burn out the evil from your midst!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 12: “How do these foreign nations serve their gods?”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 11: “See, I place before you today a blessing or a curse:”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 10: ” And now, O Israel, what does YHVH your God ask of you. . .”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 9: “YHVH your God, he is the one who is crossing over before you, a consuming fire”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 8: “You must bear-in-mind YHVH your God, that he was the one who gave you the power to produce wealth”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 7: “YHVH your God chose for him as a treasured people from among all peoples.”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 6: “Hearken O Israel: YHVH our God, YHVH (is) One!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 4:44-49/ to 5: “Not with our fathers did YHVH cut this covenant, but with us, yes, us, those here today, all of us (that are) alive!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 3:23-29/4: “Surely this great nation is a wise and comprehending people.”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 2-3,1-22: “You are not to be afraid of them, for YHVH your God, he is the one who wages-war for you!”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 1: “These are the words that Moshe spoke to all Israel “
- Deuteronomy/Davarim – Introduction
- A Literary Approach to the book of Deuteronomy/Davarim
- Exodus/Shemoth
- Revisit: What if you were a Hebrew slave in Egypt?
- Revisit: The WAY of YHVH – 4 – Observing the Seventh Day Sabbath
- Exodus/Shemoth 6: Who’s Who!
- Revisit: Exodus/Shemoth 17 – Who is the Rock? Who are the Amalekites?
- Revisit: The Lamb/Ram in Egypt’s Pantheon
- Exodus/Shemoth 24 – “the sight of the Glory of YHVH (was) like a consuming fire”
- What if you were a Hebrew slave in Egypt?
- Exodus/Shemoth 16 – “for today is a Sabbath for YHVH”
- IN HIS NAME: The Revelation of The Name in Exodus – 6
- Exodus/Shemoth 4b – “Thus says YHVH: “My son, my firstborn, is Israel!”
- Exodus/Shemoth 23 – The God of Grace and Law
- Overview of Exodus/Shemoth – by Everett Fox
- Exodus/Shemoth 2 – “A sojourner have I become in a foreign land.”
- Exodus/Shemoth – 2 – Moses Age ‘1-40’
- Exodus/Shemoth 1: “Now Yosef died, and all his brothers, and all that generation.”
- Genesis/Bereshith to Exodus/Shemoth
- My servant Caleb – a different spirit
- A Literary Approach to the book of Exodus/Shemoth
- Exodus/Shemoth 40: So Moses finished the work.
- Exodus/Shemoth 35-39: Do we have to read these chapters?
- Exodus/Shemoth 34 – “Hew you two tablets of stone like the first”
- Exodus/Shemoth 34:6 – The Rabbis – “God’s Nature in 13 Attributes”
- Exodus/Shemoth 33 – “for no man can see My Face and live”
- Exodus/Shemoth 32 – 2nd commandment broken, 2 Tablets broken
- Exodus/Shemoth 25 – “Make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”
- Exodus/Shemoth 21-22 – “If you will . . . then I will. . .”
- Exodus/Shemoth 20c – The DECALOGUE – Commandments V-X (Jewish Perspective)
- Exodus/Shemoth 20b – The DECALOGUE – Commandment IV, The Sabbath (Jewish Perspective)
- Exodus/Shemoth 20a: The DECALOGUE – Commandments I, II & III (Jewish Perspective)
- Exodus/Shemoth 20: “I am YHWH”
- Exodus/Shemoth 19: The First Coming
- Exodus/Shemoth 18 – In-law seeks Outlaw
- Exodus/Shemoth 15 – “Who is like you among the gods, O YHVH!”
- Exodus/Shemoth 14 – “And Yisra’el saw …”
- Exodus/Shemoth 13 – “Hallow to me every firstborn . . . it is mine.”
- Exodus/Shemoth 11-12: “on all the gods of Egypt I will render judgment, I, YHVH.”
- Exodus/Shemoth 7 to10: Mosheh at 80 – The Plagues
- Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
- Exodus/Shemoth 5a: Doubt, Doubt
- Exodus/Shemoth 4 – Excuses, Excuses
- Exodus/Shemoth: 3 – Promises, Promises
- Exodus/Shemoth 1:15-22 – When is it ‘alright’ to tell a lie?
- Introduction: The Book of Exodus/Shemoth – שמות
- Spiritual Values in the Book of Exodus
- Dramatic Ironies in the Book of Exodus
- Israel’s Responsibility from the Book of Exodus
- Israel’s Destiny from the Book of Exodus
- EXODUS: The 10 Plagues–Judgment of YHWH upon Egypt’s gods
- Genesis/Bereshith
- Revisit: Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?
- Revisit: Becoming Israel – “God of my father Avraham, God of my father Yitzhak, O YHVH”
- Repost: Q&A: “If there are no fallen angels, then explain the ‘Nephilim’ in the narrative account of the Flood.”
- Revisit: The Tree of Life is the Torah -2
- Revisit: Am I my brother’s keeper?
- Revisit: The Tree of Life is the Torah -2
- An Inconvenient Truth for Cain – 2
- Revisit: Genesis/Bereshith 4: ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’
- Revisit: The Serpent, the Tree, and the ‘I’
- The Tree of – ‘the Knowledge of’/’the Knowing of’ – Good and ‘Evil’/Good and ‘Bad’
- Revisit: Becoming Israel – Esau and ‘Israel’
- Revisit: Shedding without blood . . .
- Revisit: Genesis/Bereshith 15: “Now he trusted in YHWH, and he deemed it as righteous-merit on his part.”
- Revisit: Journey of Faith – Abraham’s déjà vu
- Revisit: Journey of Faith – Sarah’s déjà vu
- Revisit: Journey of Faith – Whose test of faith, Abraham’s or Isaac’s?
- Revisit: The Creator 4: That pesky “Let US . . . ” in Genesis/Bere’shiyth 1:26
- Prooftext 1c – Gen. 3:15 – Who are the “seed,” “offspring”?
- Prooftext 1d – Serpent Symbolism – Postscript
- Am I my brother’s keeper?
- The Creator – 6a – Making humans in God’s Image
- Must Read/MUST OWN: Reuven Firestone – 3 – In the beginning …
- Genesis/Bere’shith 2 – The Sabbath and Humankind
- An Inconvenient Truth for Adam and Eve – 1
- No Inconvenient Truth for Noah
- A Sinaite’s Notebook: Genesis/Bereshith: 2 Introductions
- Genesis/Bere’shith 1: “At the beginning of God’s creating the heavens and the earth”
- Introductory Notes: The Book of Genesis
- Prooftext 1b – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “serpent”?
- The Creator 5- How is Man in God’s “Image” or “Likeness?
- Prooftext 1: Genesis 3:15 – Seed of the Woman vs. Seed of the Serpent
- Genesis/Bereshith 47 – The Good Pharaoh
- Genesis/Bereshith to Exodus/Shemoth
- Genesis/Bereshith 50 – “And Yosef died . . . they put him in a coffin in Egypt.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 49: Jacob/Israel’s Legacy and Last Farewell
- Genesis/Bereshith 37 – “Yisrael loved Yosef above all his sons”
- Genesis/Bereshith 34 – “Should our sister then be treated like a whore? “
- Journey of Faith: Esau/Edom – A Second Look
- “Call me Ishmael”
- Journey of Faith – Yitzchak, not a pro-active Patriarch
- Genesis/Bereshith 18: “if they have done according to its cry that has come to me- destruction!”
- Journey of Faith: YHWH, Abraham and “3 men”
- Genesis/Bereshith 33: “I have plenty, my brother, let what is yours remain yours. “
- Genesis/Bereshith 32: “Now why do you ask after my name? “
- Genesis/Bereshith 31: “. . . whatever God has said to you, do! “
- Genesis/Bereshith 30: Battle for Babies and Battle of the Wits
- Genesis/Bereshith 29: The deceiver is deceived.
- Genesis/Bereshith 28: “YHVH is in this place, and I, I did not know it!”
- Genesis/Bereshith 27: “for should I be bereaved of you both in a single day?”
- Genesis/Bereshith 26: “I am the God of Avraham your father”
- Genesis/Bereshith 25b – ” Two nations are in your body”
- Genesis/Bereshith 25a: “Yitschaq and Yishma’el buried him in the cave of Makpelah”
- Genesis/Bereshith 24: ” . . . go to my land and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son, for Yitzhak.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 23: “Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Makpelah”
- Genesis/Bereshith 22: “Here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the elevation-offering?”
- Genesis/Bereshith 21: “Avraham circumcised Yitzhak his son at eight days old”
- Genesis/Bereshith 20: “My Lord, Would you kill a nation, though it be innocent?”
- Genesis/Bereshith 19: “But YHWH rained down brimstone and fire upon Sedom and Amora, coming from YHVH, from the heavens”
- Genesis/Bereshith 17: “as for Yishmael, I hearken to you . . .but my covenant I will establish with Yitzhak”
- Genesis/Bereshith 16: “Avram hearkened to Sarai’s voice”
- Genesis/Bereshith 14: ” Now Malki-Tzedek, king of Salem . . . he was priest of God Most-High, “
- Genesis/Bereshith 13: “Avram called out the name of YHWH”
- Genesis/Bereshith 12: ” All the clans of the soil will find blessing through you! “
- Genesis/Bereshith 11: ” its name was called Bavel for there YHWH baffled the language of all the earth-folk.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 10: “. . . these are the begetting of the sons of Noah. . . Sons were born to them after the Deluge.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 9: “My bow I set in the clouds, so that it may serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth”
- Genesis/Bereshith 8: “I will never curse the soil again on humankind’s account.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 7: “The Deluge was forty days upon the earth.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 6: “in accord with God did Noah walk”
- Genesis/Bereshith 5: “one in his likeness, according to his image”
- Genesis/Bereshith 3: THE TRIAL OF MAN’S FREEDOM
- Genesis/Bereshith 12: JOURNEY OF FAITH – AVRAM
- A Literary Approach to the book of Genesis/Bereshith
- The CREATOR – 1 “God is a Fellowship” (?)
- Genesis/Bereshith 38: “She is in-the-right more than I!”
- Genesis/Bereshith 48 – “Here, I am dying, but God will be with you . . .”
- Genesis/Bereshith 46 – “Now I can die, since I have seen your face, that you are still alive!”
- Genesis/Bereshith 46 – “Now I can die, since I have seen your face, that you are still alive!”
- Genesis/Bereshith 44 – “We have an old father and a young child of his old age, whose brother is dead”
- Genesis/Bereshith 44 – “We have an old father and a young child of his old age, whose brother is dead”
- The Fertile Crescent – Genesis/Bereshith 42 – 43
- Genesis/Bereshith 45: “Yosef my son is still alive; I must go and see him before I die!”
- Genesis/Bereshith 45: “Yosef my son is still alive; I must go and see him before I die!”
- Genesis/Bereshith 41: From Prison to Pharaoh’s Court
- Genesis/Bereshith 42-43 – “and in homage they bowed low.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 42-43 – “and in homage they bowed low.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 40 – “DDD”
- Genesis/Bereshith 40 – “DDD”
- Genesis/Bereshith 39: Sending Joseph ahead . . .
- Strange Interlude: Judah and Tamar
- Becoming Israel – When Fathers don’t know best . . .
- Genesis/Bereshith 36 – “That is Esav, the tribal-father of Edom.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 36 – “That is Esav, the tribal-father of Edom.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 35 – “Esav and Yaakov his sons buried him.”
- Genesis/Bereshith 35 – “Esav and Yaakov his sons buried him.”
- Becoming Israel – “God of my father Avraham, God of my father Yitzhak, O YHVH”
- Becoming Israel – “if you should ever take wives besides my daughters . . . !”
- Becoming Israel – “if you should ever take wives besides my daughters . . . !”
- Becoming Israel – “1+2+2=11+1+1”
- Becoming Israel – Genesis/Bereshith 28
- Journey of Faith – Yaakov/Jacob, “the heel”
- Journey of Faith: Yitchak, Isaac – lol!
- Journey of Faith – Abraham joins Sarah
- Journey of Faith – Sarah dies, Abraham takes another wife
- Journey of Faith – Lucky Lot
- Journey of Faith – Avram to Avraham
- Genesis/Bereshith 11:10-32 – From Shem to Avram
- So what’s wrong with building a high tower?
- An Inconvenient Truth for Ham
- What is “the Tree of Life”? –1
- Leviticus/Waiqrah
- Revisit: Deuteronomy/Davarim 24: Immorality defiles the land.
- Does the Torah prohibit belief in “ghosts”?
- Revisit: Biblical Diet 1
- Revisit: Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 11a – Dietary Laws
- Revisit: TORAH 101 – “Ten Days of Repentance” – Jewish Perspective
- Revisit: Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 3/Understanding the Sacrificial Cult
- Revisit: Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur.
- Revisit: Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 16 – What? They cast lots for a sacrificial goat and a scapegoat, wasn’t ‘Blood Atonement’ all about a “Sacrificial Lamb”?
- Revisit: TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective
- The Sacrificial System in the TORAH
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 23: What makes a day ‘holy’?
- Biblical Diet 2—UNclean Meat
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 16: “You are to slaughter the Passover-offering to YHVH your God . . .in the place that YHVH chooses to have his name dwell.”
- Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 2 – Prohibited Marriages
- Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah: 4 – The ‘golden rule’ is of Jewish origin, surprised?
- Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 1
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 27: “As you the Kohen values it, so it will be.”
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 26: “If you walk in My statutes . . .” vs. “If you reject My decrees . . . “
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 25: “but in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of Sabbath-ceasing for the land, a Sabbath to YHVH: “
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 24: “One standard-of-judgment shall there be for you; as the sojourner, so shall the native be”
- A Literary Approach to the book of Leviticus/Wayyiqrah
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 22: Holiness of the Sanctuary
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 21: The Holy as in ‘Set-Apart’ Tribe of Levi
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 20: The people whom a holy God has chosen for His own must, like Him be holy.
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 19: The Essentials of Torah/Counterpart of the Ten Commandments
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 18: The Land is affected by the sins of its inhabitants.
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 17 – So, what’s with the “blood”?
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 12-15 – Again, do we have to read these chapters?
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 11 – As a Torah-observant Jew, what would Jesus have eaten?
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 10: “and brought-near, before the presence of YHVH, outside fire, such as he had not commanded them.”
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 8-9: “And there came out fire from before the Face of YHWH, and consumed what was on the Altar”
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 1-7 ” Speak to the sons of Yisra’el, and say to them “
- Leviticus/Wayyiqrah- Introduction – ‘And YHWH called’
- Biblical Diet 3—Leviticus 11
- Numbers/Bemidbar
- Numbers/Bamidbar 35: “for I am YHVH, Dweller in the midst of Israel!”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 21: The Brazen Serpent: ” it shall be: whoever has been bitten and then sees it, will live.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 8 – ‘the Light of the world with Whom light dwelleth . . . ‘
- Numbers/Bamidbar 36: “So will no inheritance transfer from one tribe to another tribe”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 34: “. . .this is the land that will fall to you for an inheritance”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 33: “and it shall be: as I thought to do to them, so I will do to you!”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 32: “Will your brothers go to the war, and you will sit here?”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 31: “. . .Seek-vengeance, the vengeance of the Children of Israel from the Midyanites”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 30: “(Any) man who vows a vow to YHVH . . . he is not to desecrate his word, according to all that goes out of his mouth, he is to do.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 28-29: “Of my near-offering, my food, as my fire-offerings, my soothing savor, you are to be-in-charge, bringing-it-near to me at its appointed-time.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 27: “Take yourself Yehoshua son of Nun, a man in whom the spirit is, and lean your hand upon him.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 25-26: ” the people began to play the harlot ” and a timely census
- Numbers/Bamidbar 22-23-24: “I behold him: here, a people, alone-in-security it dwells, among the nations it does not need to come-to-reckoning.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 20: Miryam, Aharon die; “And Moshe raised his hand and struck the boulder with his staff, twice”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 19 – The Red Heifer: the most mysterious rite in Scripture
- Numbers/Bamidbar 18 – If these instructions are for Levites, why need we read these chapters?
- Numbers/Bamidbar 17 – ” And it will be that the rod of the man whom I will choose will bud;”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 16 – “Why then do you exalt yourselves over the assembly of YHVH?”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 15 – “Now if one person sins, in error…”
- Numbers/Bamidbar – 14 – “YHVH is with us- do not be afraid of them!”
- Numbers/Bamidbar – 13 – “Send for yourself men, that they may scout out the land of Canaan”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 12- “Now Miryam spoke, and Aharon, against Moshe on account of the Cushite wife”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 11 – And the people complained . . .
- Numbers/Bamidbar -10- Two silver trumpets, not the Shofar . . .
- Numbers/Bamidbar – 9 – The Second Passover
- Numbers/Bamidbar 7 – “the princes of Yisra’el . . . offered.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 6 – “‘So are they to put my name upon the Children of Israel, that I myself may bless them.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar – 5 – No contamination, defilement, impurity in the camp . .
- Numbers/Bamidbar 4 – Levites ages 30 to 50 . . .serve in the Sanctuary
- Numbers/Bamidbar – 3 – ‘…for all the firstborn are Mine.”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 2 – “So they camped by their standards . . .”
- Numbers/Bamidbar – “In the Wilderness”
- Numbers/Bamidbar 1 – “male . . . 20 and up . . . able to go to war”
- Numbers/Bamidbar – 5 – No contamination, defilement, impurity in the camp . . – Introduction
- The Literary Approach to the book of Numbers/Bamidbar
A Sinaite’s Sabbath Liturgy
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of September
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of August
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy — 2nd Sabbath of August
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of August
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath in August
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy for the 4th Sabbath of July
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy for the 3rd Sabbath of July
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in July
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath in July
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath in May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy in Celebration of Motherhood – 1st Sabbath in May
- A Sinaite’s Sabbath Liturgy – on the Celebration of Jewish Passover
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of April
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of April
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of April
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of February
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of February
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of February
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of February
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 5th Sabbath in January
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of January
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of January
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in January
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – Sabbath at the Celebration of the Gregorian Calendar’s New Year
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – Sabbath on the week of the Christian celebration of Christmas
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of December
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of December, during the 8-day celebration of the Jewish Hanukkah
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of December, before the Jewish Festival of Lights
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 5th Sabbath of October
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath in October
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of October
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of October
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – Sabbath during the Season of Joy, Sukkot – Israel’s Feast of Booths
- A Sinaite’s 5th Anniversary Celebration – 4th Sabbath of September
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of September
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of September
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 5th Sabbath of August
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 5th Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of April
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – on the Celebration of Jewish Passover and Christian Easter
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of December
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 5th Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of August
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of June
- A Sinaite’s Celebration of Shavuot – June 3, 2014
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy — 3rd Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of May
- Revisit: Q&A: How can you be saved if you don’t believe in the “Christian” Savior?
- Revisit: The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?
- Revisit: Ezekiel 28:1-19 is NOT about the Devil
- Revisit: The WAY of SALVATION in TNK – 2: “The Fundamental Flaw of Christianity”
- Revisit: Jesus and Horus
- Revisit: A Sinaite checks out ‘messiah’ claims for Jesus
- Revisit: The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount
- Revisit: Sinaite Notes – The Christian ‘Old’ Testament – 3
- Revisit: The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?
- What?! There were resurrected saints at Jesus’ resurrection?
- Revisit: Judas – did he really exist?
- Q: Where in the original revelation of God does He ever express His demand for human sacrifice?
- Revisit: The WAY of SALVATION in TNK – 2: “The Fundamental Flaw of Christianity”
- Understanding Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth – A Jewish Perspective
- Revisit: HOLY WEEK
- Revisit: If you don’t believe in the Christian Savior, how can you be saved?
- Revisit: “Father” in the Trinity – “the Old Testament God” – the same?
- Q&A: Isn’t the Trinity ONE GOD?
- Who really was born on December 25?
- Practical Morality of Some Founders of America.
- Revisit: Ha Satan got a bad rap!
- A Sinaite checks out ‘messiah’ claims for Jesus
- “Father” in the Trinity – “the Old Testament God” – the same?
- Judas – did he really exist?
- Not “original sin, ” only “evil inclination” – 1
- The hand that rocked baby Jesus’ cradle
- The Christian Devil Finally Goes to Christian Hell
- According to Paul . . . 1
- Tempted by ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’? Kazantzakis’ Jesus: “Salvation cannot be founded on lies.”
- Tempted by ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’? Kazantzakis’ Jesus: “Salvation cannot be founded on lies.”
- TSTL: Original Sin
- If you don’t believe in the Christian Savior, how can you be saved?
- Judaism vs. Christianity
- Christian discovers YHWH, Shares “Evidence’ – 3 – A Look Into The New Testament
- Christian discovers YHWH, Shares “Evidence’ – 3 – A Look Into The New Testament
- MUST READ: Paul and Jesus – 3
- “Quid est veritas?” – Gospel Truth – 3
- “Quid est veritas?” – Gospel Truth – 3
- “Quid est Veritas”: Gospel Truth? – 2
- “Quid est Veritas”: Gospel Truth? – 2
- Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1
- “Jesus invented Christianity, and Paul preached it.”
- “Jesus invented Christianity, and Paul preached it.”
- Jesus and Horus
- MUST READ: The Christ Myth Theory and Its Problems
- Must Read: A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans, and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State by Charles Freeman
- Man-made Creeds: Nicaea (325), Constantinople (381) and Athanasius (c.430?)
- In Search of the Historical Jesus – 4 – Crucifixion, Questions on Resurrection/Ascension
- In search of the Historical Jesus – 3 – “all things to all men”
- In search of the Historical Jesus 2 – A reconstruction from the Gospels
- In search of the Historical Jesus 1 – The Closing of the Western Mind
- Paul 6: Founder of Gentile Christianity
- Paul 5 – Conflict with the Jews, and emerging Pauline theology
- Paul 4 – You foolish Galatians!
- Paul 3 – Trouble in missionary journeys
- Paul 2 – From Saul to Paul, from historic Jesus to cosmic Christ
- Paul 1 – A rough sketch from scarce sources
- Evidence for Christianity [?] – “Jesus is Jehovah” – 3
- Evidence for Christianity [?] – 2
- Evidence for Christianity [?] -1
- Sinaite Notes – The Christian ‘Old’ Testament – 3
- Must Read: A New History of Early Christianity by Charles Freeman
- If the Tanakh does not promote belief in fallen angels, why are they so prominent in the New Testament?
- Isaiah 14:12-15 is not about the Devil
- Biblical Diet 4c: Peter’s Vision in Acts 10:9-23
- Biblical Diet 4b: NT: Matthew 15:1-20
- Biblical Diet 4a: NT Perspective: Did Jesus declare all foods clean in Mark 7:19?
- Q&A: Isn’t the Trinity ONE GOD?
- Q&A: Christianity – a man-made religion?
- Yo Searchers! Need help? – September 2016
- Revisit: Q&A: “Israel means, ‘he will rule as god’ and so the question is . . .”
- Does Hell Exist? – A Jewish Perspective
- Yo searchers, need help? August 2016
- Revisit: Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?
- What if you were a gentile slave in Egypt?
- Private: test
- Revisit: Saul and the Spirit Medium – Postscript
- Are there no more ‘biblical’ miracles today?
- Yo Searchers! Need Help? – July 2016
- A Sinaite’s Liturgy – 5th Sabbath in July
- Yo Searchers! Need Help? — June 2016
- Private: Media
- Yo Searchers, need help? – May 2016
- Yo searchers! Need help? – April 2015
- Yo Searchers! Need help? – March 2016
- Yo Searchers, can we help you? – February 2016
- Yo searchers, need help? %8